Jadyn Case
Saturday, November 19, 2005 Sex Scenes

Anxious to enter the contest by Amber Quill Press, in January, I have been working on The Hunted (working title). I started about 3 weeks ago and was going along fine. The first 6 pages were great. Sure they needed work, they are just a first draft, but I was happy with capturing the mood of my hero. He was quite impressed by the beautiful brunette (my heroine) who approached him in the bar. Learning she isn't there for his good looks, he brushes her off, ever so gently, but his curiosity is piqued.

Switch scene and viewpoint and we are suddenly with the heroine in her home. Several minutes into her thoughts, there is a knock on the door and lo and behold it is our hero. He's furious and grabs her, wanting to know how she knew. Confused, she claims she didn't and suddenly they are tearing at each other, jumping bones and counters and the like.

What? How can this be happening? Forget the fact that they don't know each other. I have no problems with one-night stands with lusty strangers, but I had a problem with the hero disregarding his initial reason for being there and falling prey to his libido. I mused over this bump for a couple of days, brainstormed with another writer, Maria Shanti, then decided on a hopefully acceptable way out. Mission accomplished, right?

Uh-uh! I stalled for so long I couldn't get back into the bang. I must have stared at 'Peeling off the wet jacket...' for days. Suddenly checking my emails, perusing the forum of Romance Divas, getting a beverage, finding a snack, putting my hair up, sweeping the kitchen floor, washing dishes, filing my fingernails, taking my hair down, plucking my eyebrows, writing emails, washing laundry, making coffee, baking cookies, taking a shower, watching television, and surfing the Net was more important.

Of course this continued daily for another week, and then I had an epiphany: If I don't write then the story won't get written. Profound, huh? Last night I stared at my screen and deleted the last line. Could that be my problem? His jacket remained in tact and they began kissing. Then the phone rang, a friend came on-line, and the spiral began again. But I did have my epiphany! So today I closed myself off from the rest of the world and told myself I could not budge until the scene was written.

Alas, the sex is consummated, the scene is finished, and the hero is on to learning she did know. So what was the difficulty? I've certainly had enough personal experience to know what I was writing about. The mechanics are easy, but who wants to read a scene about inserting A into B and turning? The senses? Sure! She tasted cinnamon and vanilla from his tongue; smelled coconut in his hair; felt his smooth, taut muscles, as well as her own desire; and watched him watching her. Enough? Of course not! She also had to feeeeel.

At least it is done. Now, they will decide to work together to track the killer. Surely they will find time to become physical again, while traipsing through the forest in search of a madman? Of course, these two are hot for each other. Definitely hotter than I intended. But why should they listen to me? After all, they know what they want, and I am just the writer.

Posted by Jadyn :: 10:03 PM :: 1 comments

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