Jadyn Case
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 Deep POV

Cara King, is spending the week with Romance Divas, leading a workshop on Deep POV.

So far, it has been eye-opening and very informative. I love deep POV, but I must admit it isn't as easy as I thought. I am excited about learning more.

One of the advantages is for someone who doesn't enjoy writing much description, which is perfect for me. I hate narrative and description as a reader. I usually skim most description and read as little narrative as possible. I'm sure I sometimes miss something important, but it drives me bonkers. Perhaps it is from watching so much television and moives, but I prefer action and dialogue.

I love writing dialogue and introspection. Characters thoughts and feelings are easy for me. Action is more difficult, especially if they are being particularly active. A fight scene... HA! I suck at them. Perhaps because the most physical I ever got with another person was slapping my cousin in the face. She so deserved it!

So, come check out Cara's workshop. You may learn something useful!

Posted by Jadyn :: 10:13 PM :: 0 comments

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